En su quinto año en 2019, Chalk Full of Fun creció a capacidad. ¡Más de 200 artistas de tiza registrados llenaron el Courthouse Square y el Chalk Alley con más de 110 increíbles obras maestras! Ahora, un favorito de la multitud en las festividades del 4 de julio, los visitantes disfrutaron viendo la obra de arte y participando en el Túnel de Chalk y el Área de Free Chalk.
El festival anual de tiza es GRATUITO para todos los artistas y visitantes que participan. El éxito de este evento anual es directamente atribuible al apoyo del evento INCREÍBLE y a los patrocinadores de tiza y voluntarios dedicados ... ¡GRACIAS!
Meet the Current Cohort of Artists
The Foundation is excited to be working with the current cohort of artists who are exhibiting their artwork at the CZI Community Space.
Read about the March 22nd art exhibition opening HERE.
The art exhibition in the CZI Community Space will be seen and enjoyed by persons who attend or participate in events hosted by nonprofits based in and serving San Mateo County, as well as Redwood City and San Mateo County government agencies who book the space. Some of these events are open to the public. Because of the high demand to book the space,
there are currently no public viewing hours for the art exhibition.
To learn more about an artist, watch a video by clicking on their image.
Art Advisory Work Group Members
The Foundation created an Arts Programming Plan for the CZI Community Space and established a thoughtful process to help set a vision for ongoing creative community engagement. The Foundation works with an Art Advisory Work Group, composed of San Mateo County residents from different backgrounds who serve a one-year term, to implement the Arts Programming Plan which includes selecting the exhibition theme, choosing the artists who will participate in the exhibition, serving as liaisons with the artists, conducting community outreach and hosting an annual art exhibitions.
The main purpose of the art exhibitions is 1) to promote San Mateo County artists by exhibiting their artwork at the CZI Community Space and 2) to provide an opportunity to bring the community together to promote education, awareness, and understanding.
The 2024-2025 Art Advisory Work Group members are: